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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
optical PALACE 9
ALLEN & HABOUR optical hous 35
BAGRI'S ujala optical 35
BOC basatwar optical co +ey 9
CHHEDA optical MART 9
KAMAL optical hall 35
MAGRABI optical 9, 35
NI-SU optical enterprises 35
OP M.A. optical palace +arc 35
PCQ pure optical quality 1, 9, 17
PRESIDENT optical house +ey 9
SUAG optical services 9
VO VIMCO optical +circles 35
creation optical media 9
maharwal optical co. 9
CK opticals eye clinic +ova 16
CROWN opticals +squares 9
DARSANA opticals +square 35
EYE-FI opticals +squares 35
G GKB opticals 7, 9, 16
G GKB opticals vision 3
GKB opticals 9
LAXMI opticals +squares 35
NAYANAM opticals 9
PRAKASH opticals 9
PRAKASH opticals +oval 35
R.K. opticals +oval 35
RAJAN opticals 9
THE RAJHAN opticals 9
a ARASAN opticals +eyes 9
PRINCE optician +specticles 9
MAHARAJA opticiancs 35
DESAI opticians 9
E&G opticians +oval 35
FRAME CRAFTERS opticians 9
GERARD opticians +squares 9
LENS & FRAMES opticians 35
M.B. opticians 9
MOBILE eyecare opticians 42
MODERN opticians +oval 9
NOBLE opticians 9
PATTANI opticians 9
PRISM opticians 42
SAVERA opticians 9
SAWANT opticians +square 9
SHIRODKARS opticians 9
SURYA opticians +face & sun 9
W WELDON opticians +eye 9
quality opticians +flag 35
optics VALLEY +star & oval 9
A.V. optics 9
AO AINI optics 35
APOLLO optics 42
DAR optics +circle 35
G GKR optics +spectacles 44
GALA optics 9
JAY optics 9
KO kota optics +oval 9
MAHAVIR optics 9
METRO optics 35
SAM optics 9
SHUBHAM optics true vision 9
SONY optics 9
TOPCON optics 9
VARSHA optics +stripes 9
VISION WORLD optics 42
hi-tech optics +oval 9
j JAINAM optics +circle 9
optiglo 5
OSCAR optik +oval 10
STEINER-optik 9
STARLITE optiks 9
VIRGO optiks 9
hi-tek optiks +square 42
optima +oval 20
optima SYSTEMS +circle 16
optima batteries +arcs 9
OMS optimal media solutions 16
TEFAL optimal 21
MAXPACK freight optimiser 16
REIGHT optimiser 9
INSPACE business optimized 35
LIBRA optimum support 20
triadmap optimum performanc 41
POLARIS optimus 16
option +square 25
C career options +arrow 35
GEMINI pc options 9
IRIS career options for you 16
HILTON-optitex 7
AIR optix 9
AIR optix +arc 9
EURO PRATIK opus of product 17, 19
opw-WREN 6
or-VOMAX 5
or-VONIL 5
"e"-or EXCLUSIVELY YOURS 3, 14, 16, 18
BRAS d'or 6
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